Recipe for success: Kevin O’Leary

Kevin O’Leary was born July 9th, 1954, in Montreal, Canada

Personal Success Definition

I define success as someone that excels in their personal craft or line of work and that can then become an icon in said craft.

My example for this is Kevin O’Leary who has created a big company on new technology at the time, invests in other peoples companies, and is on the show “Shark Tank

Skills for Success

3 skills Kevin O’Leary had to have to be successful would be 1) Be good at running a company. 2) Being a smart business man through his investments. 3) Create an innovative product and start a company based off this product.

How They Used These Skills

The way Kevin used the listen skills was by 1) He used his ability of running a company well so that his starting company could run smoothly and be successful. 2) He used his ability of being a smart business man to make great investments, this is evident in the fact that most of his wealth has been attained through investments. 3) He used his ability to create an innovative product to do just that, create an innovative product that was extremely successful.

Challenges Overcome

The biggest challenge Kevin would have to overcome would be the creation of his business which he started from his basement in 1986, his investors dropped out the day before delivering the promised investment money. After his mother lent him money he was able to start the software company, In the text it states “O’Leary started Softkey in a Toronto basement in 1986… A major financial backer who had committed $250,000 in development capital to the company backed out the day before signing the documents and delivering his cheque, which left O’Leary looking for funding to support the fledgling business. He used the proceeds from the sale of his share of SET and convinced his mother to lend him $10,000 in seed capital to establish SoftKey Software Products”.

Significant Work

Significant work from Kevin would be his role in the show “Shark Tank”. He has starred in the show about investing since 2009.


I read the Wikipedia on him but I got most of my information from the TV show.

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