Tools, Time, and Rooms blog post

CreativeCommons image Tool Stash by Meena Kadri at


The assignment was fine, that’s about it.


I picked a playlist of tutorials from Youtube to learn how to use PlayCanvas. The playlist was 12 videos of almost 15 minutes each so I only watched the first one for right now but it was very informative and I will use it to learn how to program on PlayCanvas. I didn’t get to play any of the games they had because there was a firewall on it.


When creating the first game or prototyping for any game project make it small. Create your first game so that it adheres to the term minimum viable product, this helps improve the quality of the game because it allows you to play it.

Game Genres from the Simplest and Most Difficult to Create

  1. Racing Game
  2. Top-Down Shooter
  3. 2d Platformer
  4. Color Matching Puzzle Game
  5. 2D Puzzle Platformer
  6. 3D Platformer
  7. FPS
  8. JRPG
  9. Fighting Game
  10. Action Adventure
  11. Western RPG
  12. RTS


Playing like a designer- How to analyze game design

Game designers need to be able to play all types of games so they can learn from the games. Need to be able to pinpoint exactly what part of games are positive and negative. Analyze the buttons for insight on how the game creators wanted the game to be played. Don’t create an overly powerful First Optimal Strategy because it may break the game, still keep a First Optimal Strategy in the game that is less powerful because they can still have positive effects.

Playing like a designer- Examine your experiences

Designers must be able to analyze the game while playing it. Must be able to take in details while experiencing the situation.


I went outside and played basketball for 10 minutes


A mario like 2d platform game with the objective of making it past obstacles

An FPS type game with two opposing teams, could have a wide variety of weapons and abilities for players to choose from.

An RPG based around a narrative similar to The Elder Scrolls. Could have basic Jumping, running, and combat systems. Would be based around a narrative and would be about clearing dungeons making it past levels.

A 1v1 fighting game that could have a health system and a character selection, similar to Super Smash or Mortal Combat.

A racing game with increasingly difficult levels.


Developing Quality Workflow

Stages of Creation Development


The tools used would be whatever the inspiration for the design of the game is.

The process used should be the idea of how you will implement the inspiration into your game

Quality would be measured by how good the idea is

I measure quality because it is my game idea


The tools used would again be an outline of what we want the game to be like based off of what inspired us

The process used should be outlining the production of the game and identifying exactly what you want to do

You measure quality by how good the idea of the game is

Me and the people I work with to build the game measure the quality


The tools used would be anything to organize our ideas for the production

The process used should be communicating with my teammates to make sure the production is planned

Quality is measured by how well the production is organized and ready

Quality is measured by the team who is creating the game


The tools used would be the game engine that was used to create the game

The process used would be the one planned in pre production

The quality is measured by the finished product of the game


The tools used would be the game engine

The process for post production would be to prepare the game for release

The quality would be measured by how ready the game is to be released

The quality is measured by the team creating the game


The tools used would be whatever platform is used to release the game

The process of the game release would be to simply show the game and release it for play

The quality of the game is decided by how good it is

The quality is measured by the people playing the game


How do we conduct a feedback session at the end of the project development cycle?

The tools used would be whatever platform is used to contact whoever has played the game

The process would be listening to the people and changing the game based of what they want

The quality is measured by the willingness to listen to the feedback

The quality is measured by the game creation team

Recipe for success: Kevin O’Leary

Kevin O’Leary was born July 9th, 1954, in Montreal, Canada

Personal Success Definition

I define success as someone that excels in their personal craft or line of work and that can then become an icon in said craft.

My example for this is Kevin O’Leary who has created a big company on new technology at the time, invests in other peoples companies, and is on the show “Shark Tank

Skills for Success

3 skills Kevin O’Leary had to have to be successful would be 1) Be good at running a company. 2) Being a smart business man through his investments. 3) Create an innovative product and start a company based off this product.

How They Used These Skills

The way Kevin used the listen skills was by 1) He used his ability of running a company well so that his starting company could run smoothly and be successful. 2) He used his ability of being a smart business man to make great investments, this is evident in the fact that most of his wealth has been attained through investments. 3) He used his ability to create an innovative product to do just that, create an innovative product that was extremely successful.

Challenges Overcome

The biggest challenge Kevin would have to overcome would be the creation of his business which he started from his basement in 1986, his investors dropped out the day before delivering the promised investment money. After his mother lent him money he was able to start the software company, In the text it states “O’Leary started Softkey in a Toronto basement in 1986… A major financial backer who had committed $250,000 in development capital to the company backed out the day before signing the documents and delivering his cheque, which left O’Leary looking for funding to support the fledgling business. He used the proceeds from the sale of his share of SET and convinced his mother to lend him $10,000 in seed capital to establish SoftKey Software Products”.

Significant Work

Significant work from Kevin would be his role in the show “Shark Tank”. He has starred in the show about investing since 2009.


I read the Wikipedia on him but I got most of my information from the TV show.

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